Are Cheap Old Houses in your Clients Future?

Are you ready to make your real estate client's dreams of grand old columns and sky-high ceilings come true? Take a walk with us on a journey of history and architectural lore.
Social Media Crazy
Keep your clients excited about hidden cheap old houses that come on the market in your area by posting pictures of the house and the surrounding community! Be sure to include the property age, historical qualities, and unique features.
You don't have to take our word for it! Elizabeth and Ethan Finkelstein from New York have been sharing pictures on their @cheapoldhouses Instagram account since 2016 and now have more than 1.5 million followers!
Coming Soon To A TV Near You
Even HGTV is getting in on this action by including the Finkelsteins' internet sensational journey in an upcoming show! Imagine the coverage you could be gaining by sharing interesting properties from your area. Sending some fun historical notes to a local TV station probably wouldn't hurt the traffic to your listing!
Sharing Interesting Facts
Give your clients the information they want in the medium they are using. If your desired clients are on Instagram, then dominate Instagram with fun pictures and facts about Cheap Old Houses in your community. Be the go-to guy or gal in your city for fun old properties, and enjoy learning about your area's history along the way!
Historic District Champions
Be known for your passion for historic preservation in your area. Join local historical societies and get to know your regional historic contractor experts. They will introduce you to clients excited about partnering with a real estate agent who cares about their Cheap Old House as much as they do!
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Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5 PM PST
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