Elite Farming FAQs

Farming and Mailing List FAQs
What are the mailing list requirements?
We require owner information, address, number of beds, number of baths, square footage, and lot size. Nearly all title companies can provide this information depending on the state that you are located in.
Will the QR code change for the same property (or owner) for perpetuity, or will it change on a mailing-by-mailing basis?
The QR code remains the same as long as you continue mailing to the same person. All the cards you send to John Smith at 123 Baker Street, for example, will have the same QR code on them month after month.
Can you run multiple farms for me simultaneously?
Yes! We can run as many campaigns for you as you want. We suggest personalizing the cards for each campaign, which costs a little extra but allows you to connect better with homeowners in each farm.
Can you market to my sphere of influence?
Yes, as long as you are not in a non-disclosure state and your mailing list adds up to 500 recipients.
How does Elite compare to EDDM?
Elite is completely personalized to the homeowner, whereas EDDM is inserted into their mail and addressed to ‘occupant’ and/or ‘resident’, etc. Elite focuses on branding yourself to the homeowners and showing your farm that you are keenly focused on their community.
What types of homes can Elite send to?
- Any residential home with four units and under
- Vertical living, as long as we have addresses for each home and it is not a co-op
Should I ever switch my farming areas?
No. Never stop farming your neighborhood. You’ve worked hard to become the top agent: don’t let another agent market more consistently to your neighborhood. If you’d like to reach additional homeowners, we suggest expanding your existing farm or starting an additional campaign. We would never recommend stopping farming to your neighborhood.
How current is the market data?
The data is pulled immediately before your card is printed so the data is as up-to-date as possible.
Interested in automating your farming? Learn more and schedule a call, or check out our other Elite FAQs.
Need help?
Our Customer service team is ready to come to the rescue:
Call us: +(866) 777-3986
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5 PM PST
Email: CS@Corefact.com
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