Free Email: Pre-Listing Alert

Let Corefact help you become the best agent in town. Below is a free email just for you! All you need to do is copy and paste, then send to your database. Our goal is to help you remain at the forefront of your neighborhood’s minds for any and all real estate needs.
Pre-Listing Alert
Give your farm a heads-up when you are about to list a home in the neighborhood.
Subject: Who do you think would love this home?
Hi [[NAME]],
In the next 24 hours, I have a home located in [[neighborhood]] that is coming on the market that I want you to hear about first.
I predict this home will sell within [[estimated DOM]].
Would you like me to send you all the details and photos?
Let me know ASAP.
One more thing: I am going to list this property to the public on [[go live date]] so you’re the first to hear about it.
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Call us: +(866) 777-3986
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5 PM PST
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