Keep your social media newsfeeds busy with these six cut-and-paste posts.
Free books online
Audible and Calm are both offering (some) free books during this time.
Give your brain a serious mental workout with fun brain teasers, riddles, or trivia. With over 15,000 brain teasers, riddles, logic problems and mind puzzles, Braingle has the largest collection anywhere on the internet!
10 Brainteasers to Stretch Your Brain
Exercise your mind with Sudoku
Encourage people to write reviews of businesses
Since we all have more time on our hands than usual, why not spend a couple of minutes giving back to our community? We can support our small and local businesses by writing a review online. Whether it’s your favorite store, restaurant, food market, take a few minutes to leave them a review on Google, Facebook, or Yelp. That way we help other people find them!
Encourage Gratefulness
During these difficult times, it’s easy to fall prey to all the negativity and uncertainty that is surrounding us. That’s why it is more important than ever to shift our mindset and gravitate towards more positivity. Let’s share in the comments the things that you’re most thankful for. I will write mine in the comments section.
Tips for working from home
Working from home is the new reality for many of us. And while it may feel good to be able to spend more time around home or with our families, many of us struggle with being productive, managing our time, or even loneliness if you’re living alone.
7 Essential Tips for Working From Home
Coronavirus: How to work from home, the right way
Tips for stress relief
The lockdown is having an impact on both our physical health, as well as mental health. With the constant and never-ending news about the pandemic, supporting our mental health at this time is more important than ever.
Glo is offering a free trial and you can customize your yoga routine depending on what you are looking to work on: sleep, becoming more calm, back care, flexibility, core, etc.
Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress
Eat Right, Drink Well, Stress Less
Look after your mental health during coronavirus lockdown
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