Listing Details Auto Fill on Social Share Graphics

Did you know that you can automatically fill social media post templates in Social Share with your property information? It’s simple to market your listings before, during, and after the sale using our designs created for every circumstance and style.
Once you are in Social Share, click the Auto Fill category, or if you’d prefer, choose from the Just Listed or Just Sold categories, which are all auto-fillable. Once you click the category, choose a design you like, and then click edit.
You’ll see a button that says Auto Fill My Listing in the upper left. That is where you will find all your active, off-market, and saved listings. Select the property, and then you’ll be able to select which photos you want to display.
You can change any photo or text using our online editor. You can also unlock the editor to do more complex changes like colors and fonts.
When you’re finished editing, don’t forget to hit save. From there, you can edit the suggested caption copy or keep it as is. Now you are ready to share or schedule!
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