New Homeowners: Closing Gifts and Tips

Provide complimentary "We Moved" notecards to all your new homeowners as a closing gift. Choose from multiple lasting-impression designs and customize a subtle “compliments of” on the back of the notecard. Create goodwill with your new homeowner and a positive brand impression with their friends and family.
Super easy to order and shipped directly to you for presentation. With 17 different designs, you can pick one representing you the best and use it consistently or choose according to your new homeowner's personality.
Before you give the notecards to your new homeowner, place stamps on all the envelopes, saving them one more step.
Acknowledge your new homeowner is busy by asking them for a list of their friends and family and offer to print labels and mail the cards for them.
No matter what method you choose, these "We Moved" notecards are an inexpensive way to make a lasting impression.
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