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Premium Presentation Kits for Every Real Estate Agent

Deliver memorable presentations with confidence and professionalism. Our Premium Presentation Kits* provide real estate professionals with a cost-effective yet polished solution.

Create your ideal Presentation Kit today!

Step 1: Decide on a Black - OR - White background

Step 2: Select Each Piece

Step 3: Submit Your Order

Presentation Kit Product Details:

• Presentation Kit Folder: 12” Width x 9” Height x 0.8125" Depth

• Presentation Kit Tab Dividers: 12” Width x 9” Height

• Presentation Kit Bio Sheet: 12” Width x 9” Height

• Buyer’s Guide: 20 pages of content for homebuyers, Folded Dimensions 11” W x 8.5” H

• Seller’s Guide: 12 pages of content for home sellers, Folded Dimensions 11” W x 8.5” H

• Before & After Guide: 12 pages of content for home sellers and open houses, Folded Dimensions 11” W x 8.5” H

 Trifold Property Brochure: 6 pages of property content and photos, Folded Dimensions 8.5” W x 11” H

*Premium presentation kits do not include luxury foil or varnish finishes.
