Elite Account FAQs

Account FAQs
What is required of me each month?
All you need to do is follow up with your leads each month. We take care of everything else. That’s the beauty of Elite! When we set up your account, we plan and schedule a 12-month campaign. Each month we’ll print and send out your campaign for you, letting you focus on converting prospects into clients.
Does branding cost more?
No. Semi-custom branding is included in the $399 account initiation.
Is there a minimum farm list size?
The minimum farm size is 250. That is, the cumulative size of all your campaigns must equal at least 250. We can also run multiple campaigns simultaneously for you.
Which cards are sent out each month?
We’ve got nearly 1000 card templates to choose from. Together we’ll choose cards for you that can provide the best brand recognition.
How soon can my cards go out?
Within a few weeks of signing up! Send us your headshot, logo, and color palette, and we’ll get started immediately. We do not need your farm list while we build out your campaign, and can send out the first card and continue working on cards 2 – 12.
Your farm list is not needed to begin designing your branded postcards. To save time, send over your files, and we can get started on your campaign while you procure your list.
What notifications do agents get?
- Whenever a homeowner completes a call to action on your landing page, you receive an email notification immediately
- Whenever a homeowner scans their unique QR code, you receive an email the next morning
Will I know when my campaign is sent out each month?
We will send you a notification seven days before each campaign so you can see the card about to go out.
Is there a one-year contract or commitment?
We’ll set up the campaign to run for an entire year, but you are contractually obligated to just twelve months.
Interested in automating your farming? Learn more and schedule a call, or check out our other Elite FAQs.
Need help?
Our Customer service team is ready to come to the rescue:
Call us: +(866) 777-3986
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5 PM PST
Email: CS@Corefact.com
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